Holy Trinity Church 

  The Holy Trinity Church together with its district was on the second path along the Moso crest, with a large street that led to the citadel and the Cathedral Square. Opposite the church an empty space shows where the Rino used to # ow. " is space is occupied by a holy picture (santella) as often at the crossing of a street and a moat. " e Frederick’s walls were opposite the church as well as the Ombriano Gate. " is was later moved into the Venetian walls, with many defence devices. After the coming of Napoleon, when there were no more defence requirements, the gate was replaced by the present one in 1808. Because of the Venetian walls and gate, the Rino was placed more externally and it formed the new moat. Passing through Porta (gate) Ombriano you get to the bridge over the Cresmiero in viale Repubblica. " ere the small waterfall was used by the # ax-mill (the ! rst factory in Crema) to get electricity  


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